Mangoes: The Regal Fruit with a Wealth of Goodness

Mangoes: The Regal Fruit with a Wealth of Goodness

Today we’re going to talk about the delightful mango – the reigning monarch of the fruit realm! Not just a feast for your palate, this golden treat promises a wealth of health benefits too.

Often hailed as the ‘king of fruits’, mangoes are much more than just a sugary indulgence. Native to the warm climes of Southeast Asia and steeped in history, these drupe delights boast a robust nutritional tapestry. Bursting with over 20 vitamins and minerals, each bite is a step towards holistic health.

Colours? Oh, mangoes sport a charming array! From blushing reds to sunny yellows and greens, there’s a hue for every mood. And the varieties? Endless!

So, what’s in store when you delve into this succulent fruit? For starters, you’re bolstering your immune defences, paving the way for sharper vision, and promoting a hearty digestive system. The cherry on top? These golden goodies, packed with antioxidants, are your shield against certain cancers and cardiovascular maladies.

Ready to explore the majestic world of mangoes in detail? Dive right into the segments below for a tropical journey brimming with knowledge and flavour!

Know Your Fruit: Mango

What is it?

Dive into the tropics with mangoes – the luscious fruits from the majestic Mangifera indica tree.

Why the Hype?

Well, mangoes are not just a treat to the taste buds. They’re potential heart-protective agents, cancer fighters, brain and liver boosters, digestion soothers, and vision enhancers. Oh, and did we mention they might come to your aid in combating anaemia too?

Who’s it For?

Pretty much everyone! Unless, of course, you find mangoes rubbing you up the wrong way (read: sensitivities) or if you’re among the rare few with a mango latex allergy.

How Often to Indulge?

Feel free to savour a mango daily. Fancy an added bonus? Incorporate it into your skincare routine for a radiant glow.

Word of Caution:

While they’re brimming with goodness, going overboard could have its pitfalls. Excessive mango munching might lead to soaring blood sugar levels, tummy upsets, or even some skin irritation. So, as with all things delectable, moderation is key. Stay alert to any adverse reactions and adjust your intake accordingly. 

Mango: A Nutritional Powerhouse

Mangoes, often referred to as nature’s candy, are not just delicious but also packed with an array of nutrients. Here’s a quick glimpse at the rich nutritional profile of mangoes, as sourced from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). In a portion of sliced mango (165 g), you’re getting:

Energy: A decent 99 kcal to keep you going.

Protein: About 1.35 g – every bit counts!

Carbohydrates: A total of 24.7 g, of which the natural sweetness comes from 22.5 g sugars.

Dietary Fiber: A good 2.64 g to aid digestion.

Fat: A minimal 0.627 g.

Vitamins: A robust 60.1 mcg of Vitamin C and 71 mcg of Folate. Plus, it’s a brilliant source of Vitamin A, riboflavin, and niacin.

Minerals: Dive into the 277 mg of Potassium, 1.2 mg of Calcium, 0.264 mg of Iron, and a modest 1.65 mg of Sodium. And let’s not forget the traces of magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus it packs in.

Ready for the best bit? Let’s now delve into how these fantastic nutrients translate into health benefits for you! Stay tuned.

How Mango Benefits Your Health? 

1. Boosting Your Immune System with Mangoes

Isn’t it delightful when something as scrumptious as a mango can also be your shield against illnesses? Let’s delve into how mangoes fortify our immune defences:

Vitamin C Powerhouse: One of the stars in the mango’s nutritional profile is vitamin C. Besides being an antioxidant that counters free radicals in our body, vitamin C is instrumental in promoting white blood cell production, vital soldiers of our immune system.

The Beta-Carotene Boost: A study from Hohenheim University sheds light on the bounty of beta-carotene found in mangoes. This carotenoid doesn’t just give mango its luscious orange hue; it’s pivotal in strengthening the immune system. Once consumed, our body can convert beta-carotene into vitamin A, a crucial element for a healthy immune response.

The Magic of Vitamin A: Speaking of Vitamin A, it’s not just about good vision. Mangoes, with their generous vitamin A content, play a protective role. It’s known to safeguard against infections by maintaining the integrity of skin and mucous membranes, our body’s first line of defence against harmful pathogens.

2. A Heart-Healthy Choice: Mangoes

Who would’ve thought that the sweet treat we relish under the summer sun could be a silent guardian for our heart? Here’s how mangoes contribute to heart health:

A Fat-Fighting Fruit: Incorporating mangoes into a well-balanced diet can assist in reducing body fat and stabilising blood sugar, two essential components in heart disease prevention.

Mineral Magic: Loaded with potassium and magnesium, mangoes are heart’s best friends. While potassium acts as a natural vasodilator, easing the strain on blood vessels and supporting optimal cardiac function, magnesium’s role, as highlighted in a study from RWTH Aachen University, is fundamental for overall heart vitality.

Carotenoids and Cholesterol: The beta-carotene found in mangoes isn’t just about immunity. These carotenoids play a part in heart health by deterring cholesterol oxidation in our arteries.

Mangiferin Magic: Beyond the beta-carotene, mangoes are laden with mangiferin, a compound with intriguing properties. Research from the University of Madras showcased how mangiferin could reduce harmful cholesterol in lab subjects and increase the HDL, often dubbed the ‘good cholesterol’.

3. Mangoes: A Digestive Delight

Ever struggled with digestion? It turns out, mangoes might be the tropical solution:

Enzymatic Excellence: Mangoes possess enzymes called amylases, which have a knack for converting complex carbs into simple sugars, paving the way for better digestion.

Polyphenol Potential: It’s not just about enzymes. According to research from Texas A&M University, mangoes’ rich polyphenol content can alleviate symptoms associated with constipation.

4. Mangoes: Nature’s Vision Enhancers

Let’s embark on a journey to explore how mangoes, our tropical delight, serve as a guardian angel for our eyes:

Vitamin A: Mangoes boast a rich reservoir of vitamin A, a nutrient paramount for optimal eye health. Severely low levels of this vitamin can compromise vision and, in extreme cases, result in blindness. Vitamin A plays a pivotal role, especially in the smooth functioning of the cornea.

Carotenoid: Our eyes treasure two prominent carotenoids – lutein and zeaxanthin. Lucky for us, the mango’s vibrant hues signal its treasure trove of these carotenoids. According to various studies, these not only bolster our vision but also ward off age-related afflictions, like macular degeneration.

The Cryptoxanthin: In a compelling study from Boston, cryptoxanthin, another star in the mango’s carotenoid ensemble, demonstrated its prowess in shielding the elderly Japanese population from age-linked macular degeneration.

5. Mangoes: The Anticancer Ally

While mangoes tantalise your taste buds, they silently wage a war against potential cancer threats:

Packed with Potency: Beneath their sweet exterior, mangoes are armed with carotenoids, ascorbic acid, terpenoids, and potent polyphenols, all renowned for their cancer-combatting properties.

Unique Antioxidant: Mangoes flaunt a distinct set of antioxidants, setting them apart from their fruity counterparts. Research spearheaded by Texas University underlined the potent anti-carcinogenic prowess of mango polyphenols, which can curtail oxidative stress – a precursor to chronic diseases, including cancer.

Mangiferin: Beyond heart health, mangiferin, predominantly found in mangoes, exhibits potent anticancer traits. This compound has shown promising results in inhibiting the growth dynamics of cancer cells, notably in the colon and liver.

Lupeol’s Legacy: A groundbreaking study from the Industrial Toxicology Research Centre spotlighted lupeol, another compound from the mango arsenal, for its promising role in countering prostate cancer. Further studies have showcased mango polyphenolics in restraining tumour growth, particularly in breast cancer.

6. Mangoes: A Diabetic’s Delight?

Can the sweet allure of mangoes also be a balm for diabetes? Let’s delve deeper:

A Sweet Solution: Mangoes might seem counterintuitive for diabetics, given their sugary reputation. However, a study involving 20 obese participants found that devouring half a fresh mango daily over 12 weeks led to a significant reduction in blood glucose levels.

Peel to the Rescue: It isn’t just the juicy pulp that’s gold. The Central Food Technological Research Institute’s research indicates that even mango peel extracts may harbour antidiabetic attributes.

Mangiferin’s Mastery: Another feather in mangiferin’s cap! Studies from the Suzuka University of Medical Science reveal that this unique mango compound may show promise in alleviating complications linked to type 2 diabetes.

7. Mangoes: Ironing Out Anaemia

An unlikely champion for anaemia? Indeed:

Iron-Packed Pulp: Mangoes discreetly hold iron, a vital component for red blood cells. This makes them a potential ally, especially for anaemic individuals and expectant mothers. And guess what amplifies this iron uptake? The generous splash of vitamin C in mangoes, ensuring optimal iron absorption.

8. Mangoes: Nurturing the Neurons

Who’d have thought our tropical treasure could also tend to our grey matter?

B6 Boost: Mangoes, with their stash of vitamin B6, when coupled with other B6-rich sources, might just be the brain tonic we never knew we needed. There’s evidence suggesting that a dearth of this vitamin could spike depression and seizure risks. So, in essence, mangoes might just double up as mood elevators and cognitive caretakers.

Memory Magic & More: The Ram-Eesh Institute of Vocational and Technical Education, through their mice study, stumbled upon intriguing findings: mango extracts may harbour compounds that could bolster memory retention. An investigation from Thailand further echoes the brain-enhancing potential of mangoes, hinting at their protective role against cognitive decline.

But like all good science, a pinch of caution is in order: While these preliminary findings paint a promising picture, further research will help cement mangoes’ status as a neurological nourisher. 

9. Mangoes: The Cholesterol Checker

Mangoes may have a secret trick up their sleeve when it comes to cholesterol:

Mangiferin Magic: Our recurring hero, mangiferin, found abundantly in mangoes, showcased its prowess in cholesterol control in a study by the University of Madras. Not only did it reduce bad cholesterol levels in lab rats, but it also boosted HDL, our friendly neighbourhood cholesterol.

10. Mangoes: The Weight Warrior

Thinking of shedding some pounds? Mango might be your unexpected ally:

Peeling Away Pounds: Before you toss that mango peel into the bin, pause. Research underscores its potential in blocking adipogenesis – the birth of fat cells. A weight loss booster hiding in plain sight!

Fibre Fulfilment: That satiating feeling after munching on a mango? Thank the abundant fibre. The University of Minnesota reaffirms the age-old wisdom: fibre, especially from fruits and veggies, can play a significant role in weight loss, by making us eat less without trying.

11. Mangoes: Liver’s Little Helper

The potential benefits of mangoes could extend to the liver:

Liver Love: There’s some chatter, albeit anecdotal, about unripe mangoes working wonders for liver disorders. While the idea is intriguing, the realm of science awaits more robust evidence.

12. Mangoes: The Skin Saviour

Could mangoes be the unsung hero of skincare?

Fighting the Sun: A Korean study spotlighted mango extracts for their potential role in shielding mouse skin against UVB-induced ageing.

A Carotenoid Caress: Dive deep into the orange hue of mangoes and you’ll find beta-carotene. A German research suggests that this carotenoid, along with vitamin A, can be a boon for our skin. Not just nourishment, but also a protective barrier against the sun’s wrath.

Against All Blemishes: Rumours have it (backed by some studies) that mango polyphenols might play a part in lowering skin cancer risks. There’s also talk in the beauty corridors that mangoes could keep those pesky pimples at bay.

13. Mangoes: Hair’s Best Mate

Lustrous locks courtesy of mangoes? Let’s explore:

Vitamin A  Amour: The lustrous sheen in your hair might just have mango to thank. Rich in vitamin A, mangoes can kickstart hair follicles into action, as seen in some mice studies. The domino effect? Enhanced sebum production for a moisturised, happy scalp.

Oxidative Stress Shield: With a generous dose of polyphenols, mangoes can be our hair’s protective shield against the damaging effects of oxidative stress. After all, a healthy mane starts from within!

How To Buy And Store Mangoes

Mango: From Market to Munch

The Buying Guide

So, the golden hour has arrived. Mango season! But how do you pick the best?

Trust the Nose: A mango’s aroma is your compass. Let the distinct, ripe fragrance guide you rather than its color, which varies among varieties.

Appearance Matters: As in most things, first impressions count. Opt for mangoes that are free from blemishes, dark spots, or splits.

Size Them Up: An average fresh mango is about four inches in length, weighing between nine ounces and four pounds.

Colour Deception: Green doesn’t always mean unripe. There are varieties of mangoes that stay green even when ripe. So, trust your nose!

Feel the Squeeze: A ripe mango should be soft, yielding to gentle pressure, and releasing that tempting fruity aroma.

The Storage Strategy

Keep them fresh and savour the taste longer with these storage tips:

Ripening Ritual: If your mangoes are more on the green side, place them in a brown paper bag for a few days, letting them achieve their ripe glory. Keep them at room temperature and away from direct sunlight.

Cooling Down: Ripe mangoes can chill out in the refrigerator for up to three days.

Freezing Facts: Fancy a mango popsicle? Well, not quite, but mangoes can be frozen. While their skin may turn black, the sweet flesh remains untouched.

The Sugar Trick: When freezing peeled, chopped mangoes, a sprinkle of sugar can enhance their taste and longevity. After the sugar love, store them air-tight, ensuring minimal air space.

Mango Medley: Recipes Await

Now that you’ve unlocked the secrets to buying and storing mangoes, it’s time to dive into a culinary adventure. Whether you fancy a spicy mango chutney, a refreshing mango smoothie, or a creamy mango dessert, there’s a world of recipes awaiting your discovery! Enjoy your mango journey. 

1. Tropical Mango & Black Bean Salsa


  • 1 ripe mango, peeled, pitted, and diced
  • 1 can (15 oz) black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1 can (15 oz) kernel corn with red and green peppers, drained
  • ½ cup finely chopped red onion
  • ½ cup fresh cilantro, coarsely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon garlic salt
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cumin


Begin by preparing the mango. Peel and slice the mango lengthwise on either side of the pit to yield two large pieces. Cut the fruit into ¾ inch cubes.

In a medium-sized bowl, combine the mango cubes with black beans, corn, red onion, and cilantro.

Drizzle in the fresh lime juice, and sprinkle with garlic salt and cumin.

Gently toss all the ingredients together until well combined.

Cover the bowl and refrigerate for at least 1 hour to let the flavours meld.

Serve chilled as a refreshing dip or a side salad.

2. Creamy Mango & Oat Smoothie


  • Pulp from 1 ripe mango
  • 2 tablespoons oat flakes
  • 1 tablespoon honey, adjust to taste
  • 200 ml milk (or a non-dairy alternative)


  • Add mango pulp, oat flakes, honey, and milk to a blender.
  • Blend on high until the mixture is smooth and creamy.
  • Pour into a glass and refrigerate for a refreshing, cold treat.
  • Enjoy as a quick breakfast or a midday snack!

Tip: To ensure mangoes are gentle on your system and skin, immerse them in water for 30 minutes prior to consumption. This process can reduce the amount of phytic acid in the fruit, making it less heat-inducing.

Now that you’re equipped with delicious ways to enjoy mangoes, delve into some captivating facts about this tropical delight in the section below!

Intriguing Facts About Mangoes

Revered globally, mango proudly holds the title of the “King of Fruits.”

Mangoes trace their roots back to East India, the Andaman Islands, and Burma, from where they began their journey to global popularity.

It’s thought that by the 5th century, Buddhist monks played a pivotal role in introducing mangoes to Malaysia and Eastern Asia.

India reigns supreme when it comes to mango production. However, the majority of its harvest stays within its borders, leaving only a fraction for export.

Mango trees are not just tall, often reaching up to 100 feet, but they also boast impressive longevity. Some continue bearing fruit for as long as 300 years.

The world enjoys a staggering variety of this fruit, with approximately 400 distinct types of mangoes available today.

As delightful as they are, mangoes can sometimes lead to adverse reactions, which we discuss in the next section.

Potential Side Effects of Mangoes

Mangoes are typically well-tolerated and enjoyed by many. However, certain individuals might experience sensitivity or adverse reactions:

Allergic Reactions: Some people might exhibit allergic symptoms due to mangoes, which can manifest as contact dermatitis or food hypersensitivity. This is often linked to what’s termed “mango latex allergy.”

Oral Irritation: Certain compounds in mangoes can cause irritations, especially around the mouth area. This might present as discomfort or inflammation around the lips, angles of the mouth, or the tip of the tongue.

Dermatitis: Mangoes possess a trace amount of urushiol. This is a resinous substance also found in poison ivy and can trigger skin reactions, such as dermatitis, in susceptible individuals.

Digestive Issues: Bingeing on mangoes can sometimes upset the stomach, leading to issues like diarrhoea.

Blood Sugar Levels: Consuming mangoes in large quantities might elevate blood sugar levels due to their natural sugar content, which is something individuals with diabetes should be mindful of.

As always, moderation is key, and it’s crucial to be aware of how your body reacts to different foods. If you suspect an allergy, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional.

Mango: A Burst of Health and Flavor

The rich, golden hues of mangoes are not just visually appealing; they’re a testament to the myriad health benefits they pack. Mangoes are brimming with antioxidants, which can bolster immunity, safeguard against heart ailments, and promote digestive wellness. The carotenoids present in them act as guardians of eye health. But remember, every good thing in excess can turn sour. Overindulgence in mangoes can pave the way for digestive discomforts and potential allergic reactions. So, enjoy this delicious fruit but always in moderation, especially if you’ve known sensitivities.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. 1. What are the varied mango types?

Globally, mangoes have around 400 avatars. But in India, a major mango producer, here are some stars:

  • Banganapalli: An Andhra Pradesh native, available from April to June.
  • Pairi: Gujarat’s pride, available in May and June.
  • Alphonso: Maharashtra’s iconic mango, available between May and June.
  • Himsagar: A May delicacy from West Bengal.
  • Neelam: Hyderabad’s favourite, available from May to July.
  • Kesar: A Gujarati delight from June to early July.
  • Totapuri: A shared treasure among Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka, available between June and July.
  1. 2. Can mangoes complement a diet?

Indeed! Swap a high-caloric snack with half a cup of mango slices (around 50 calories) to satisfy hunger pangs. Its fibre richness aids digestion and imparts a prolonged fullness sensation. So, for those counting calories, mangoes are a delectable ally.

  1. 3. What’s the art of slicing a mango?

First, identify the seed’s alignment by spotting the mango’s eye. Then, standing it upright, slice half an inch off-centre to get the fleshy “cheek.” Flip and repeat. For serving, make parallel cuts in each cheek without piercing the skin.

  1. 4. Want to hasten mango ripening?

Either keep them in a partially open paper bag overnight or bury them in a bowl of raw rice. Both methods use ethylene gas, naturally released by mangoes, to speed up ripening.

  1. 5. Are mangoes baby-friendly?

Absolutely! Mangoes can boost digestion, enhance immunity, and foster brain growth in babies. But caution: potential skin allergies can manifest as rashes. Serve by peeling and mashing into the baby’s meals.

  1. 6. Sugar content in mangoes: High or low?

While half a cup of diced mango offers roughly 70 calories predominantly from sugar (approx. 31 grams per fruit), its natural sugars typically don’t spike blood sugar levels. However, those on sugar restrictions should consult a healthcare professional. The upside? The natural sweetness may curb cravings for artificial sugary treats.

  1. 7. Which fruits pair well with mango?

Blend mangoes with bananas for a sumptuous smoothie or mix with coconut, oranges, and pineapples for a tropical treat.

  1. 8. Can one consume mango skin?

Nutrient-rich but occasionally bitter, mango peels are edible. But if skin contact triggers any allergies, it’s best to avoid the peel.

  1. 9. The best way to peel a mango?

Use a knife to make light incisions and peel strips, or employ a vegetable peeler. For a hands-on approach, find a ripe mango’s stem and gently peel sections around it.

  1. 10. Is nightime mango consumption okay?

Of course! Time doesn’t diminish the goodness of a mango. Enjoy it whenever your heart desires.


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